


金融援助 offer determinations have an order of operations, 但它比PEMDAS要复杂一些.  下面是它的工作原理:

C出勤率-学生资助指数(SAI)-Scholarships -G咆哮,Subsidized贷款- - - - - -W工作学习= U那边需要.

未受资助的贷款, Parent PLUS loans and/or private student loans can be used to cover any remaining unmet need.


让我们看几个例子.  记住, these examples are not necessarily what you will see in your financial aid awards--they are representative of a Florida Resident with an 赛 of $0 who was awarded a 亚洲博彩平台 Academic Scholarship.  If you're more interested in what your aid might look like, check out our 净价计算器.

Let’s say Pete is attending 亚洲博彩平台 and majoring in Computer Software Engineering.  他已经完成了FAFSA,他的存款是0美元.  He’s a Florida Resident and he’s going to stay here on campus.  He’s a great student and was awarded the highest academic scholarship 亚洲博彩平台 offers, as well as the Florida Bright Futures Academic Scholarship.  我们是这样确定他的经济资助的:

我看 $63,900

 - $0

- 24,000美元亚洲博彩平台奖学金
- 6360美元光明未来奖学金


- $3,500(碎片)


- $3,500


- $2,000


= $17,145

Since Pete has unmet need and we have funds left in our budgets for additional need-based aid, we can award him the Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG), the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), 以及佛罗里达科技豹奖.  

未满足的需求 $17,145

- $1,000佛罗里达学生资助补助金
- $1,000联邦补充教育补助金





未受资助的贷款, Parent PLUS loans and/or private student loans can be used to cover any remaining unmet need.

假设皮特是一只幸运的黑豹, 他得到了1美元的奖励,000 external scholarship from the SSPA (Super Smart Panther Association of Nowheretown).  Here’s what that would do to his aid calculation:



- $0

- 21,000美元亚洲博彩平台奖学金
- $1,000 Super Smart Panther Association of Nowheretown


- $3,500(碎片)


- $3,500


- $2,000


= $19,145

Since Pete still has unmet need and we have funds left in our budgets for additional need-based aid, we can award him the Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG), the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), 以及佛罗里达科技豹奖.  

未满足的需求 $19,145

- $1,000佛罗里达学生资助补助金
- $1,000联邦补充教育补助金





未受资助的贷款, Parent PLUS loans and/or private student loans can be used to cover any remaining unmet need.

很好奇你的援助决心是什么样的?  查看我们的 净价计算器.


All students can view their charges and account balance (account details) through their 爪子帐户 by logging in and clicking PAWS>Student>Payment/Student Account 信息 and selecting the term in question (for example, 如果你是主校区, 你可以选择2024年秋季)然后提交.  该页面将包含以下详细信息:

期末净余额: the balance for the term selected on the dropdown list on the previous page.

其他条款的净余额: the balance carried over from terms other than the term selected on the dropdown list on the previous page.

账户余额: the total balance for the current and previous terms.

截至(日)的当期应付金额: The amount due as of the date listed, which is the 到期日期 for the term you selected (i.e. 2024年秋季).  This amount may differ than the current account balance, as it may not include charges for a future term because that term’s 付款 is due at a later date.

截至(日期)的授权经济援助: this section will only include aid authorized for the term you’ve selected.  例如, 如果您选择秋季2024(8周第二学期), 你是主校区的学生, 你不会看到任何援助列表, 因为你不是那个学期的学生.  主校区的学生将选择2024年秋季.  Authorized aid is aid that is ready to disburse on the 到期日期 listed.

Account Balance net of Authorized 金融援助: the total balance for the current and previous terms, less the selected term’s authorized financial aid.

授权财政援助的当期到期净额: 所选期间的应付余额总额, less the aid authorized for the selected term.

备忘录截至(日期): this section will only include aid memoed for the term you’ve selected.  Memoed aid is aid that is pending, but is not yet authorized to disburse.  在大多数情况下, the student has outstanding 金融援助 requirements that they need to complete, 否则这笔援助将不会支付到他们的账户上.  如果你在这里看到援助,检查你的 财政援助帐户 or .

Account Balance net of Authorized 金融援助 and Memos: 所选期间的应付余额总额, less the aid authorized and memoed for the selected term.

The Student Accounting Office also sends a statement each month to students who have had account activity (changes to their account balance) within the last 30 days.  学生 may contact Student Accounting to request an invoice (sometimes these are needed for 529 accounts, 外部奖学金或其他用途).

对你的账单还有疑问?  你可以查看 常见问题,浏览 学生计费 页面或 .


亚洲博彩平台's students are billed by term and their aid is disbursed by term.  金融援助 funds disburse to a student’s account so long as they are admitted, enrolled (note your enrollment requirements for your aid, which can be found in your Terms and Conditions in PAWS) and have no outstanding 经济援助要求.

  • If your balance is zero when your aid disburses there is nothing more you need to do.
  • If your aid has disbursed and there is still a remaining balance you need to:
    • 让令人满意 付款 政府的安排 到期日期
    • Sign up for the and ensure all 付款s are made in a timely manner
    • OR
    • 与我们联系以获得更多援助选项的帮助

  • If your financial aid is more than your charges and you have a credit balance.  Credit balances are  to students via check or  at the end of the second week of classes (within 14 days).  学生 do have the option to move credit balances to their Panther Card to use at the campus bookstore, 或者他们的航班账户.  学生 may go to the Student Accounting/Cashier window in the L3Harris Commons building to fill out the transfer request.