Computer Science, M.S.

Computer Science, M.S.

Get a Master's in Computer Science

Computer Science MS

Experts in computer science are needed more and more in today’s digital society. 计算机科学硕士学位为学生提供了进入信息技术等顶级职业所需的技术专长, database administration, systems engineering, software development, software architecture, and IT systems analysis. Graduates develop algorithmic thinking and the ability to design, develop, 测试软件和信息系统,以创造人机交互的新方法, design intelligent systems, or program high-powered software applications.

A Leader in Science and Engineering Education

For more than 50 years, Florida Tech has been recognized for its science and engineering degree programs. With its vast research opportunities available to students, 计算机科学硕士学位将课堂学习与实践研究经验相结合,类似于学生在工作中可能面临的挑战. Professors create an environment of mentorship, working closely with students on coursework and research, giving them a chance to develop imaginative solutions to a complex technology problem.

Research Experiences

拥有计算机科学硕士学位的学生可以获得计算机安全方面的第一手经验, intelligent systems, complex networks, software design and testing, and more. 毕业生还具有参与教师主导的研究项目的经验,这些项目涵盖了机器学习等主题, bio-inspired computing, data mining, cryptography, and speech recognition. Florida Tech’s research portal provides information on the available research projects.

In addition, the Harris Institute (see below) brings together computer science, psychology, business, and biology to carry out cutting-edge research in computer security, solving real-world issues in the field. 获得计算机科学硕士学位的学生还可以通过实习和参加专业组织来建立领导能力和专业经验.

Why Pursue a Master's in Computer Science at Florida Tech?

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You have two graduate study opportunities:

  1. On Campus
  2. Download the Grad Guide!

  3. At an Education Center near you
  4. Get the Education Center Brochure

You have three graduate study opportunities:

  1. On Campus
  2. Download the Grad Guide!

  3. At an Education Center near you
  4. Get the Education Center Brochure

  5. 100% Online
  6. Learn more about Florida Tech Online

You have two graduate study opportunities:

  1. On Campus
  2. Download the Grad Guide!

  3. 100% Online
  4. Learn more about Florida Tech Online

You have two graduate study opportunities:

  1. At an Education Center near you
  2. Get the Education Center Brochure

  3. 100% Online
  4. Learn more about Florida Tech Online

学生选择亚洲博彩平台攻读计算机科学硕士学位的原因有很多. 它以提供严谨和具有挑战性的课程而闻名,为学生的成长做好充分的准备, demanding career. With a background in supercomputers, model computation, algorithmic thinking, and information systems design, graduates are ready to begin a career.

Advanced Professor Mentorship

Florida Tech is known for its small class sizes and low faculty-to-student ratio. 这个紧密结合的学习社区允许教授对寻求计算机科学硕士学位的学生给予个性化的关注, mentoring them to grow academically and pursue advanced research. 这种以学生为中心的文化鼓励毕业生在课堂学习之外挑战自我, 特别是如果他们恰好是工作的专业人士,他们可以把以工作为导向的经验带到课堂上学习和解决问题.

亚洲博彩平台的教师都是国际知名的计算机安全专家, intelligent systems, computer vision, complex networks, software testing, biologically inspired computing, cyber security, and more.

Cutting-Edge Computing Facilities

The state-of-the-art F.W. 奥林工程综合大楼以其计算机实验室和供学生学习和研究的先进工具吸引着学生. 亚洲博彩平台的计算机每三年升级一次,以确保它们始终能够运行最新的软件, 所有计算机科学专业的学生都可以免费获得全套软件开发工具.

Additionally, ABET的计算机认证委员会对亚洲博彩平台的计算机科学课程进行了认证,这一区别在雇主中得到了认可, 这让拥有计算机科学硕士学位的亚洲博彩平台毕业生获得了就业优势. 

Great Florida Location

When considering a university’s location, Florida Tech’s location can’t be beat. The campus is in the heart of Florida’s Space Coast, near one of the nation’s largest high-tech workforces with 5,000 high-tech companies in the Florida High Tech corridor, including NASA Kennedy Space Center, Grumman, Harris Corp., DRS, research laboratories, and more.

What Computer Science research or other opportunities can I expect?

亚洲博彩平台的计算机科学培训包括课堂学习和参与实地研究项目,学生可以在其中应用他们的课程. 这种跨学科的方法让学生在开始他们的技术职业生涯之前就开始工作, 允许他们与他们的同事和教授就他们在工作中会遇到的话题进行合作, including:

  • Computer security, malicious code, and information protection
  • Intelligent systems
  • Computer vision
  • Complex networks
  • Software design and testing
  • Bio-inspired computing
  • Data mining
  • Cybersecurity
  • Cryptography
  • Speech recognition
  • Machine learning


L3Harris Institute for Assured Information

Founded in 2009, the L#Harris Institute brings together computer science, psychology, business and biology to carry out cutting-edge research in computer security. A partnership with the technology giant L3Harris Corp., a corporate leader in cyber security based in Melbourne, Florida, near the Florida Tech campus, 该研究所是亚洲博彩平台解决现实世界网络安全问题的研究生级信息保障和网络安全研究的主要来源之一. In addition to their own resources, L3Harris可靠信息研究所积极与彭萨科拉和奥卡拉的人机认知研究所合作, Florida, to offer additional resources. 

亚洲博彩平台还提供了一个研究门户网站,在这里,寻找计算机科学研究的学生可以了解更多他们可以参与的项目. Visit

How will a master's degree benefit my Computer Science career?

The demand for computer science experts has never been higher. 拥有硕士学位的毕业生将会发现计算机科学领域有多种职业选择,雇主也渴望利用他们的技术专长.

Often referred to as a recession-proof job, 计算机科学是最受大学毕业生欢迎的职业之一,因为对这些专家的需求正在快速增长. New systems and applications are born everyday, so employers are always looking for qualified software developers, web designers, computer systems analysts, database administrators and security experts, to name a few. As this technology-focused society we live in expands, so do the job prospects and the salaries that come with them.

Career Outlook

随着技术扩展到我们生活的方方面面,拥有计算机科学硕士学位的毕业生几乎在每个细分市场都能找到就业机会:工作, home, social and recreation. 招聘亚洲博彩平台学生实习和就业的雇主包括IBM, Microsoft, Electronic Arts, GE, Google, Zynga and Texas Instruments.

The Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, provides detailed information about specific jobs including median annual pay, working conditions and job outlook, among other things. 计算机科学职业涉及各种职责,包括发明和设计新技术或为现有技术寻找新用途. Experts invent software languages, 分析方法,以改善我们的工作方式与计算机和提高经验和易用性的技术使用.

根据统计局的数据,到2020年,计算机科学领域的职业预计将增长19%. 随着公司不断增加人员来开发软件和管理越来越多的数据, they need computer experts to manage these duties. From cars, toys, appliances, hand-held devices and large equipment to healthcare, recreation, and more, there is a growing desire to create technology-driven solutions for the way we live. As a result, this also demands experts with innovative ways to prevent attacks, manage cyber security and track hackers. Check the handbook for careers in computer science.   

Career Options

  • Software Designer and Developer
  • Computer Support Specialist
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Computer Programmer
  • Database Administrator
  • Computer and Information System Manager
  • Information Security Analyst
  • Web Developer
  • Computer Network Architect
  • Network Administrator
  • Potential Employers


  • Electronic Arts (EA Games)
  • General Electric
  • Google
  • HP
  • Microsoft
  • Mozilla
  • NSA
  • Zynga

Doctoral Program  


  • Database Development
  • Computer Vision
  • Bioinformatics
  • Computer Graphics
  • Networks
  • Information Management

For full-time doctoral graduate research assistants, tuition scholarships are available.

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