



拥有超过50年的工程经验, 亚洲博彩平台在科学和工程教育和研究方面处于领先地位. 的 master’s in electrical engineering program prepares graduates to meet the technological challenges of the 21st century. Electrical and 电脑 engineering graduates are sought by every major industry in the economy from aerospace, 汽车, 医疗和核能公司转向电子, 电脑, 电力和通信组织.

雇主需要电气工程师来设计, 开发, 测试和监督电机等电气设备的制造, 雷达和导航系统, 通讯系统及电力设备. 电气工程硕士毕业生主要从事研究和开发工作, 工程服务, 制造业和联邦政府.


作为一所领先的研究型大学, 亚洲博彩平台的每位学生除了课程作业外,还参与实践研究. Graduate students earning a master’s in electrical engineering pursue projects that align with their interests and career goals. 学生’ benefit from small class sizes and collaboration with department professors on reSearch topics including:

  • 语音处理
  • 机器学习
  • 图像处理
  • 半导体建模
  • 无线通信
  • 光纤

使用行业内最新的知识体系, 亚洲博彩平台 professors cover all aspects of electrical and 电脑 engineering including 开发ment, 设计, 电气系统和软件的操作. Specialization in the master’s in electrical engineering degree is offered in 无线通信, 光子学, 飞船系统, 系统与信息处理, 以及无线系统和技术.


的 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is 亚洲博彩平台’s second largest engineering program, 有着令人兴奋的技术创新氛围. 的 program allows students interested in an electrical engineering master’s degree to push the boundaries in unique reSearch topics and advanced technological solutions.

电气工程硕士课程提供五个独特的专业领域. 这取决于他们的职业目标, 学生可以根据自己对电磁学的兴趣定制课程, 光子学, 飞船系统, 系统与信息处理, 或者无线系统和技术.


亚洲博彩平台是电气工程硕士学位的首选. 学生经历亲密的, 教授指导学生的集中环境, 班级规模小, and there is an opportunity for students to work with faculty on reSearch topics such as speech processing, 机器学习, 无线通信, 以及图像处理器和半导体建模.

亚洲博彩平台’s highly distinguished faculty is advancing the industry through cutting-edge reSearch. 每位教师都是具有实际设计和研究经验的专业工程师. 作为全国顶尖的电气工程学院之一, 亚洲博彩平台’s culture of innovation and hands-on learning prepares graduates to enter a variety of competitive fields in electrical engineering.


Excellent facilities are vital to all top electrical engineering schools and 亚洲博彩平台 does not disappoint: the university is home to a number of centers and institutes where faculty members and students conduct reSearch. 获得电气工程硕士学位的学生可以获得F. W. 奥林工程综合大楼, a state-of-the-art multimillion-dollar facility providing an outstanding learning environment that is outfitted with the instruments and equipment students will encounter in the workplace. 除了, 哈里斯科学与工程中心, 应用研究实验室, and the Wireless Center of Excellence are equipped with 21st-century technology and facilities to support electrical engineering master’s degree study and reSearch.


亚洲博彩平台’s 130-acre campus is located on the Space Coast (so named because of the presence of NASA and the Kennedy Space Center on Cape Canaveral just north of us). 该地区拥有全国最大的高科技劳动力, 5人以上,000家高科技公司和政府及军事机构坐落在附近. 这些劳动力也提供了大量的实习和就业机会.

亚洲博彩平台 is just over the causeway from the Atlantic Ocean with its 72 miles of beautiful beaches, 还有去佛罗里达群岛或奥兰多主题公园的短途旅行. 我们也有丰富的校园生活,包括广泛的校内和大学体育活动, 俱乐部, 还有社会活动.


亚洲博彩平台,实践经验是宝贵的一部分. 电气工程实习, 助教奖学金, and participation in reSearch projects provides students with real-world experience outside the classroom. 亚洲博彩平台 students have completed electrical engineering internships with consulting companies and government agencies near 亚洲博彩平台 in a variety of industries, 包括航空航天, 航空, 电子产品及更多.



  • 电磁学: 学生 开发 the analytical and computational tools needed to understand and solve complex field interactions including radiating structures, 雷达, 场和波的传播, 散射和与材料的相互作用.
  • 光子学: This specialization is oriented to both devices and systems including fiber-optic communication and sensing, 激光和激光系统的应用以及光学计算和信号处理.
  • 飞船系统: 这个跨学科的专业结合了电气和系统工程, offering a unique opportunity to learn advanced collaborative system 设计 to meet the challenges of the aerospace industry.
  • 系统和信息处理: 系统和信息处理专业侧重于系统, 数字信号和图像处理, 神经网络和控制.
  • 无线系统与技术: This specialization is focused on technologies surrounding 无线通信 on both the system level, (such as wireless sensor networks and multimedia communication) and at the component level (such as electronics and antenna 设计).

学生还与许多组织合作进行土木工程实习, 研究项目甚至就业包括:

  • 美国国家科学基金会
  • 电气和电子工程师协会
  • 国际光学与光子学学会


除了潜在的电气工程实习机会, 以及教学或研究助教, 亚洲博彩平台的研究生完成硕士论文并进行自己的研究项目. 往届学生的项目包括:

  • 语音处理
  • 机器学习
  • 图像处理
  • 半导体建模
  • 无线通信
  • 光纤


以满足日益数码化社会的需要, 需要电气工程师来推动技术创新的边界. Graduates from 亚洲博彩平台 have a competitive edge for electrical engineering careers as they receive the skills and hands-on experience essential to meeting the technological challenges of the 21st century.

While many of the students in the electrical engineering master’s program are working professionals, 亚洲博彩平台吸引了来自世界各地的学生. Many graduates choose to work for private companies or consulting firms in a variety of fields from 汽车, 航空航天和电子通信, 铁路与电力. 州、地方和联邦政府的工作也提供就业机会.


的 rapid pace of technological advancement and 开发ment will likely continue to drive the demand for electrical engineers. 根据美国劳工部劳工统计局(BLS), job growth is expected in 工程服务 firms as more companies contract with these firms rather than directly employ engineers. 拥有电气工程硕士学位的毕业生可以在各种领域找到工作, 包括电子设备, 通信, 能源, 铁路, 汽车工业.

职业展望手册 美国劳工统计局发布的这份报告提供了数百种职业的详细信息, 包括入门级教育, 整体工作环境, 就业前景. 根据调查局的说法, electrical engineering careers are projected to grow 4% through 2020 due to the versatility of electrical and electronics engineers in 开发ing and applying emerging technologies. 技术创新和发展的快速步伐可能会推动对工程师的需求. 工作岗位将主要出现在工程服务公司和合同工程服务公司.



  • 电气电子工程师
  • 生物医学工程师
  • 计算机硬件工程师
  • 电气仪表工程师
  • 过程仪表工程师
  • 航空电子设备工程师
  • 控制系统工程师
  • 电气和电子工程技术员
  • 电气和电子安装和维修
  • 机电技师

在诸如系统工程等独特的职业子领域中也可以找到职业, 核技术, 能源工程.


学生 who graduated from 亚洲博彩平台 have found electrical engineering careers at companies such as:

  • 佛罗里达太阳能中心
  • 哈里斯公司.
  • IBM
  • 洛克希德·马丁公司
  • 微软(msft . o:行情)
  • 罗克韦尔柯林斯公司
  • 柯林斯软件生产力解决方案


For graduates who want to continue their education after the electrical engineering master’s degree program, earning an electrical engineering PhD at 亚洲博彩平台 empowers students to advance their electrical engineering expertise and further their reSearch to explore and solve electrical engineering challenges. Earning a PhD increases career salary potential and better positions graduates to attain leadership positions in the public and private sector.
